Think about Mill's argument of the qualitative differences between pleasures and describe how these relate to your own life experience

in Other (Other) by vomms
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  • Think about Mill's argument of the qualitative differences between pleasures and describe how these relate to your own life experience
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What is a thought experiment? Give or design an example of a thought experiment you can use or have used in your own life. Be sure to follow your experiment through to "the end." Think about Mill's argument of the qualitative differences between pleasures and describe how these relate to your own life experiences.

What is a thought experiment? Give or design an example of a thought experiment you can use or have used in your own life. Be sure to follow your experiment through to "the end."
According to the text a thought experiment is a way of using our imaginations to test a hypothesis; using reasoned imagination to provide the necessary conditions for the experiment, and carefully reasoning out the most likely consequences according to our hypothesis (Ch. 11, Pg....

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