SCIN 132 Final

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Question 1 The muscular wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right wall because it A. holds a greater volume of blood. B. pumps the blood to the lungs. C. pumps the blood to the entire body. D. pumps the blood through a smaller valve. E. pumps the blood through the heart. Question 2 Define each of the following terms. MatchTermDefinition NephronA) The movement of filtered solutes and water from the lumen of the renal tubules back into the plasma. Renal corpuscleB) A tuft of capillaries, consisting of the glomerulus and enclosed by the Bowman's capsule. Renal tubuleC) The functional unit of the kidney. Afferent arterioleD) A component of the nephron, where filtrate flows from the renal corpuscle. Glomerular filtrationE) A portion of the renal artery that supplies blood to the glomerulus. Efferent arterioleF) A hormone that causes the permeability of the distal tubule and collecting duct to increase, thus promoting fluid retention. AldosteroneG) An arteriole that drains the glomerulus of blood remaining after filtration. ADHH) The filtration of blood through the glomerulus. Reabsorption I) A hormone that regulates NaCl reabsorption and excretion. Question 3 Fraternal twins A. develop from a single fertilized ovum. B. are the same age but genetically different. C. are genetically identical. D. are always the same sex. E. are fertilized by one sperm cell Question 4 Unspecialized cells that have the ability to divided for long periods and eventually become specialized cells are called: A. trophoblasts B. stem cells C. inner mass cells D. dedifferentiated cells E. prenatal cells Question 5 The major hormone promoting lactation is A. oxytocin. B. vasopressin. C. prolactin. D. estrogen. E. progesterone. Question 6 The first phagocytic cells at the site of a bacterial infection are: A. lymphocytes B. neutrophils C. eosiniophils D. thrombocytes E. monocytes Question 7 Hormone secretion is controlled by which of the following? A. nerve impulses B. circulating chemicals C. releasing hormones D. inhibiting hormones. E. All of the above Question 8 Match the following structure of the heart with its function: MatchTerm Definition Aortic valve A) The chamber that pumps blood to the lungs. Left atrium B) The valve between the left ventricle and aorta. Left ventricle C) The chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. Right ventricle D) The valve between the right atrium and right ventricle. Tricuspid valve E) The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle. Right atrium F) The valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk. Pulmonary valveG) The chamber that receives deoxygenated blood from the body. Bicuspid valve H) The chamber that pumps blood into the aorta. Question 9 Urine is expelled from the urinary bladder by the process of A. secretion. B. defecation. C. micturition. D. filtration. E. Two of the above Question 10 All of the following are structures of the mammary glands EXCEPT: A. Skene's glands B. alveoli C. Cooper's ligaments D. areola E. lobules Question 11 Sperm maturation occurs in the A. seminiferous tubules. B. straight tubules. C. epididymis. D. rete testes. E. vas deferens. Question 12 All of the following processes are involved in tubular reabsorption EXCEPT: A. osmosis B. diffusion C. filtration D. active transport E. All of the above are part of tubular reabsorption. Question 13 Which of the following represents the correct order of anatomical structures in the nephron? A. glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule B. proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, glomerulus C. glomerulus, distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, proximal convoluted tubule D. distal convoluted tubule, glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle E. glomerulus, loop of Henle, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule Question 14 Blood vessels that are composed of a single layer of endothelial cells and a basement membrane are A. venules. B. arterioles. C. capillaries. D. both A and B E. None of the above Question 15 Match each of the terms with the appropriate definition. MatchTermDefinition Tidal VolumeA) The amount of air that can be expelled completely and rapidly as possible after a maximum inspiration. Partial PressureB) Vital capacity plus residual volume. Inspiratory reserve volumeC) The maximal amount of air that can be voluntarily moved in and out of the lungs. Expiratory reserve volumeD) The amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs beyond the tidal volume. Vital CapacityE) The amount of air that can be taken into the lungs beyond the tidal volume. Residual VolumeF) The proportion of pressure that a single gas exerts within a mixture. Total lung capacityG) The percentage of vital capacity exhaled during a 1-second period of the FVC test. Forced vital capacityH) The volume of a normal breath. Question 16 The breakdown of complex organic molecules into smaller ones is known as A. anabolism. B. catabolism. C. metabolism. D. oxidation. E. reduction. Question 17 The parasympathetic nervous system releases the neurotransmitter which causes a(n) in heart rate. A. norepinephrine; increase B. acetylcholine; increase C. acetylcholine; decrease D. norepinephrine; decrease E. none of the above Question 18 The P wave of an ECG indicates A. atrial depolarization. B. atrial repolarization. C. ventricular depolarization. D. ventricular repolarization. E. ventricular contraction. Question 19 Painful or labored breathing is referred to as ____. A. rhinitis B. diptheria C. dyspnea D. orthopena E. epistaxis Question 20 All of the following are functions of the liver EXCEPT: A. red blood cell production B. storage of vitamins C. synthesis of bile salts D. excretion of bilirubin E. activation of vitamin D Question 21 Each gram of a carbohydrate produces about _ kilocalories. A. 2.0 B. 4.0 C. 6.0 D. 8.0 E. 10.0 Question 22 Worn-out and damaged red blood cells are destroyed in the ____. A. thymus gland B. tonsils C. spleen D. lymph nodes E. lymphatic vessels Question 23 What is the percentage of water in normal urine? A. 95% B. 87% C. 80% D. 75% E. 50% Question 24 The ability of the GI tract to mix and move material along its length is called ____. A. digestion B. ingestion C. absorption D. motility E. excitability Question 25 Hormones that bind to receptors within the target cells are: A. lipid soluble B. water soluble C. second messengers D. proteins E. prohormones Question 26 All of the following are part of the gastrointestinal tract EXCEPT the A. stomach. B. gallbladder. C. esophagus. D. small intestine. E. pharynx. Question 27 The first line of defense against pathogens is A. phagocytosis. B. production of antibodies. C. inflammation. D. the intact skin. E. immunity. Question 28 Which of the following cells produce antibodies? A. T-lymphocytes B. B-lymphocytes C. monocytes D. phagocytes E. erythrocytes Question 29 The main vein draining blood from the heart tissue s the ___. A. superior vena cava. B. brachiocephalic vein. C. cardiac vein. D. coronary sinus. E. aorta Question 30 All of the following are endocrine glands EXCEPT: A. adrenal glands B. sweat glands C. parathyroid glands D. pineal gland E. pituitary gland Question 31 The secretion of milk from the mammary glands following delivery is largely due to the hormone prolactin. A. True B. False Question 32 Which of the following endocrine glands is directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system? A. adrenal medulla B. adrenal cortex C. anterior pituitary D. thyroid gland E. thymus gland Question 33 Salivary amylase secreted into the oral cavity starts the digestion of A. proteins. B. carbohydrates. C. lipids. D. amino acids. E. Two of the above are correct Question 34 How does emphysema affect tidal volume? A. It increases tidal volume. B. It decreases tidal volume. C. It has no affect on tidal volume. Question 35 The average heartbeat of a healthy human is A. 60 beats per minute. B. 65 beats per minute. C. 75 beats per minute. D. 80 beats per minute. E. 85 beats per minute. Question 36 The outer portion of the pericardium is the A. epicardium. B. serous pericardium. C. fibrous pericardium. D. parietal pericardium. E. endocardium. Question 37 Which of the following is called the Adam's apple? A. thyroid cartilage B. epiglottis C. cricoid cartilage D. arytenoid cartilage E. vocal cords Question 38 Edema is an accumulation of blood in tissue spaces. A. True B. False Question 39 The blood volume of an average sized male is A. 3 to 4 liters. B. 4 to 5 liters. C. 5 to 6 liters. D. 6 to 7 liters. E. 6 liters exactly. Question 40 Most of the filtrate produced by the kidneys is excreted in urine. A. True B. False Question 41 The pH range for blood is: A. 7.45-7.65 B. 7.35-7.45 C. 7.25-7.35 D. 7.15-7.45 E. 7.00-7.35 Question 42 Blood flow from the heart to the lungs is called: A. the pulmonary circuit B. the circuit court C. the Indy circuit D. the electrical circuit E. the systemic circuit Question 43 If surfactant were not present, the alveoli would collapse and respiration could not occur. A. True B. False Question 44 Mature erythrocytes can reproduce. A. True B. False Question 45 The pulse is a direct reflection of the . A. cardiac output B. blood pressure C. venous return D. heart rate E. None of the above Question 46 Match each of the hormones with its source. MatchTermDefinition OvaryA) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Thyroid glandB) Estrogen PancreasC) Insulin Pituitary glandD) Thyroxine Question 47 The most important number in a cholesterol check is a low amount of HDL because that is the "bad" cholesterol. A. True B. False Question 48 The rupture of the mature follicle during ovulation is due to a surge in ____. A. FSH B. LH C. progesterone D. estrogen E. inhibin Question 49 In the metabolism experiment with the rats, if the rats in the chamber were engaged in physical activity (such as running in a wheel), how would this change the results of the metabolism experiment? A. Metabolic rates can be expected to increase with physical activity. B. Metabolic rates can be expected to decrease with physical activity. Question 50 Which of the following are examples of poor nutrition? A. iodine deficiency B. obesity C. vitamin toxicity D. kwashiorkor E. All are examples of poor nutrition Question 51 The total lung capacity equals ____. A. TV + IRV + ERV + RV B. IRV + ERV + RV C. TV + IRV D. FRC + ERV + RV E. TV + ERV + IRV Question 52 All of the following are pregnancy induced changes EXCEPT: A. increased cardiac output B. decreased gastrointestinal tract motility C. increased tidal volume D. decrease in respiratory reserve volumes E. All of the above are pregnancy induced changes. Question 53 The is a 20 foot piece of peritoneum that keeps the small intestines from springing out all over. A. ileocecal valve B. messentery C. lesser omentum D. pleura E. pyloric sphincter Question 54 What type of transport is used during glucose reabsorption? A. Facilitated diffusion B. Osmosis C. Simple Diffusion D. Active Transport E. None of the above Question 55 Match what happens in each of the five phases of cardiac muscle depolarization. MatchTermDefinition Phase 0A) Rapid upswing in membrane potential; sodium ions enter cardiac cell. Phase 1B) Membrane potential falls slightly and then rebounds as potassium flow out of the cell decreases and calcium flows into the cell. Phase 2C) Internal potential falls, significant amounts of potassium flow out of the cell, calcium flow into the cell decreases, membrane repolarizes until the resting potential is reached. Phase 3D) Period of resting potential until the next depolarization. Phase 4E) "The plateau phase"; when the membrane remains in a depolarized state; potassium channels stay closed and calcium channels stay open. Question 56 Currently the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. is ___. A. AIDS B. gonorrhea C. chlamydia D. genital herpes E. syphilis Question 57 Which of the following can act as an antigen? A. bacteria B. viruses C. pollen D. food E. All of the above Question 58 Match the following blood vessels with their function: MatchTermDefinition inferior vena cavaA) carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the head and upper body pulmonary trunkB) carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lower limbs coronary circulationC) carries oxygenated blood to the heart aortaD) carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs pulmonary veinE) supplies blood to the cardiac muscle superior vena cavaF) carries oxygenated blood to all systemic arteries Question 59 An individual with which ABO blood type can theoretically donate blood to recipients of all ABO types? A. Type A B. Type B C. Type AB D. Type O E. All of the above. Question 60 Which of the following describes the correct order of structures in the respiratory passageways? A. pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles B. larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi C. trachea, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles D. pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles E. pharynx, larnyx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi

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