SCI 201 Week 2 DQs

in Chemistry by zeta29
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SCI 201 Week 2 DQs

How do an individuals attitude and belief about CAM influences healthcare treatment choices?

What is the philosophy behind complementary healing therapies? Describe treatment principles within each of the five domains defined by NCCAM.

How are herbs, oils, supplements, and homeopathic remedies regulated? What does the regulation cover? What agency provides the regulation?

How would you determine if a source regarding CAM issue is credible?

Herbs, oils, and supplements are widely available. What are some guidelines consumers should consider for safe and effective use of these agents?

Why are some health care providers hesitant to support CAM or even to discuss it with patients?

Sometimes a practitioner or company provides customer testimonials on the effectiveness of a product or treatment. Why is this evidence not reliable from a scientific perspective?

What is the governments current role in the regulation of CAM? What is an appropriate role for the government in the future?

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