REL 134 Week 4 DQ 4

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REL 134 Week 4 DQ4

How does Confucianism differ with Taoism?

Molloy (2010) states that the difference between Confucianism and Daoism is the idea of the Dao. In Confucian perspective the Dao is part of the human world and is manifested through correct or proper relationships and harmony in society. Social harmony was one of the desires of Confucius. A commonly known proverb by Confucius states that rest should be given to the elderly, sincerity should be given to friends, and the young should be given tenderness.

In Daoism the Dao is seen as the rhythm and balance of nature.

Confucianists believe that things in nature, such as plants, animals, and weather, are exactly as they are meant to be. However in Confucianism people are not always what they should be but should become what they are...

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