Performance management Identify some of the pros and cons of employing a forced performance ranking matrix in managing annual merit increases

in Business (Education) by vomms
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  • Performance management   Identify some of the pros and cons of employing a forced performance ranking matrix  in managing annual merit increases
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Identify some of the pros and cons of employing a forced performance ranking matrix in managing annual merit increases. Base your answer on evidence from the book.

  1. Answer the question, "Does a forced "performance matrix" allow for enough differentiation in the increases to be meaningful motivators for your employees?" If not, what other approach would you recommend?

  2. Provide sample dialog explaining the merit increase decision to Tyra, Phyllis, and Collette.

Performance Management

Part B

  1. The main pros of using forced performance ranking metric when managing merit pay increases is that it forces managers to address performance management problem in the firm. For example, managers who are generally reluctant to implement a performance management system are forced to...

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