Mgmt 404 Week 3 Review Questions

in Business (Education) by vomms
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Mgmt 404 Week 3 Review Questions

TReview Questions

Answer the following questions (use MS Project help if necessary):

  1. Define effort-driven?

a) The definition of effort driven is when you assign/remove people from a task. This makes the tasks to either lengthen or shorten the duration basing it on the number of resources which are assigned to it. When it's finished it doesn't affect the total number of work for a task.

  1. Under what circumstances would you turn off effort driven scheduling?

b) A circumstance in which I would turn off the effort driven scheduling is in complex tasks? The reason why is because it requires highly skilled resources or they could be very complex in general. So if you add more tasks it would slow down the team rather than speeding it up.

  1. Use a real-world...

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