HRM 531 Week 6 Growing Your Staff

in Business (Education) by Chiqa23
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  • HRM 531 Week 6 Growing Your Staff
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HRM 531 Week 6 Growing Your Staff

You currently work for a global human resources management consulting firm in the role of a human resource management consultant. Your work team has been scheduled to deliver a presentation to pitch your organizations value to a company that you have worked for in the past.

Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that will be delivered* in class as a vehicle used to pitch the need for your firms consultant services.

Include the following components in the work team presentation:

Identify the organizations operational gap or need for the human resource management services. Provide any relevant background information within the speaker notes.

Determine why a training or employee development plan is needed and why it will fill the organizational gap identified.

Provide an outline of the proposed training or employee development plan.

*Students are asked to dress professionally for the delivery of this

presentation given the scope and nature of this assignment as part

of the School of Business presentation model for graduate students.

Create a performance improvement plan worksheet and integrate it into the presentation. Complete the following in the presentation:

Convey the benefits of using your performance improvement plan over more standard, similarly used forms.

Explain how your performance improvement plan should be used.

Determine what impact your proposed services will have on the organization and its goals.

Explain how these changes might affect the companys Equal Employment Opportunity standing and its overall diversity-related issues.

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