Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and theNoble Eightfold Path Describe the three major Buddhist traditions

in Other (Other) by vomms
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  • Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and theNoble Eightfold Path Describe the three major Buddhist traditions
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Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and theNoble Eightfold Path Describe the three major Buddhist traditionsTheravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayanaand how each tradition developed from the early teachings.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following.

  1. Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path. The three marks of reality are; 1) Change The only thing constant in life is change. 2) No Permanent Identity- As humans we are made up of several different parts and we are constantly changing never to remain the same as we once were. 3) Suffering- To live life is to suffer and experience sorrow; we can never be satisfied...

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