NUR502 Week 6 DQ 2

in Other (Other) by neel
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  • NUR502 Week 6 DQ 2
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I have to choose 1 of the 3 topics to write a 5 paragraph essay on. Choose one of the following topics: Robert Mertons middle-range theory of structural functionalism involved revisiting Durkheims earlier theories and revising them. Why is a middle-range theory? What critique did Merton have of earlier functional theory and why did he feel the need to revise it? Explain Mertons theory, including concepts of unanticipated consequences, manifest functions, latent functions, non-functions, and dysfunctions. Give an example of each of these concepts (come up with your own, do not use one from the book).

Examine the theories of Karl Marx, Georg Simmel, Thorstein Veblen, and Herbert Marcuse. Do you see any similar themes in these theories? Do you see these...

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