HUM 112 Quiz two

in Business (Education) by vomms
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HUM 112 Quiz two

  1. Why does the vase in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" fascinate John Keats?

The eternal beauty of its art

  1. Why did Frederick Douglass eventually break away from the Anti-Slavery Society?

Concern that their doctrine would dissolve the Union

  1. Why did the philosophes alienate themselves from the Church?

Intolerant of hierarchy and ritual

  1. Why does Fragonard paint the young lady in The Swing as losing a shoe?

To symbolize virginity loss

  1. Why do many of Fra

To validate her role as Louis XV's most trusted advisor

  1. Why in the mid-eighteenth century did art criticism begin?

To enable tourists to appreciate and understand art

  1. Why is the music that arose in reaction to the Rococo called "classical"?

Its symmetry, proportion, unity, and clarity

  1. Why were the...

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